Tech News

Sony Ericsson will Allow Users to Unlock their New Phones

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Sony Ericsson, one of the largest cell phone brands in the world, has announced that it will allow users to unlock their phones safely and legally. This move is not revolutionary in the smartphones market (Nexus models of Google can do it), but it is within the company.

The unlocking functionality feature will be available in some phones that will go on sale this year. The only requirement to unlock the smartphone is to not be connected to any company by blocking the SIM card.

According to the company, this decision has been made ​​possible because solutions have been developed though the use of safe techniques: sharing the bootloader will violate agreements between Sony Ericsson and other companies, due to that it also unblocks their applications and games. Users will be able to know if they can unlock their phone by connecting to the tool Fastbook.

Sony Ericsson Xperia Play Unlocked Smarthphone
Another Sony Ericsson policy is to warn users that they may void their warranty if they unlock the boot loader. In addition, the company also recommends inexperienced users not to unlock their phones. The company will launch a web service that will provide the user with a key to unlock the boot after entering the IMEI, which identifies the phone.

Sounds like a brilliant move by Sony Ericsson. They know they’re a little behind compared to other companies in the smartphones market, and this gives them a better position when buyers are choosing a phone that is fully customizable to suit their needs.

I personally hope the Xperia Play comes with this option, it will allow users to make a lot of impressive changes. We will keep an eye on this move of the giant Sony Ericsson. So stay tuned for future news.

Tags : Cell PhonesCool GadgetsGadgetGadgets and GizmosGizmosMobile BroadbandMobile NetworknewsSonyTech NewsUnlock

The author Gustavo

Gustavo is a Senior SEM Manager, Freelancer and Blogger. He is the man behind the Gizmos Hub blog. His areas of interest are Computers, Technology and Internet Marketing. He does freelance work, offering online marketing and SEO at Space City SEO.

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